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choledochostomy[‚kō·lə‚dä′kä·stə·mē] (medicine) The draining of the common bile duct through the abdominal wall. choledochostomy
choledochostomy [ko″led-ah-kos´tah-me] creation of an opening into the common bile duct for drainage.cho·led·o·chos·to·my (kō-led'ō-kos'tō-mē), Establishment of a fistula into the common bile duct. [choledocho- + G. stoma, mouth] choledochostomy (kə-lĕd′ə-kŏs′tə-mē)n. The establishment of a fistula into the common bile duct.cho·led·o·chos·to·my (kō-lĕd'ō-kos'tŏ-mē) Establishment of a fistula into the common bile duct. [choledocho- + G. stoma, mouth]choledochostomy Draining of the common bile duct through the abdominal wall. |