cholesterol embolism

cho·les·ter·ol em·bo·lism

embolism of lipid debris from an ulcerated atheromatous deposit, generally from a large artery to small arterial branches; it is usually small and rarely causes infarction. Synonym(s): atheromatous embolism

cholesterol embolism

A condition of subacute onset due to showers of cholesterol emboli, causing ischaemia of affected organs up to months after an exposure. In the kidneys, cholesterol embolism may cause acute renal failure.
Dislodged atherosclerotic plaque, severe atherosclerosis, post vascular surgery or coronary catheterisation, anticoagulant use.

cho·les·ter·ol em·bo·lism

(kŏ-les'tĕr-ol em'bŏ-lizm) Embolism of lipid debris from an ulcerated atheromatous deposit, generally from a large artery to small arterial branches; it is usually small and rarely causes infarction.
Synonym(s): atheromatous embolism.