Danilevskii, Grigorii
Danilevskii, Grigorii Petrovich
Born Apr. 14 (26), 1829, in the village of Danilovka. in present-day Kharkov Oblast; died Dec. 6(18), 1890. in St. Petersburg; buried in the village of Prishib, in present-day Balakleia Raion, Kharkov Oblast. Russian and Ukrainian author. Born into the family of a Ukrainian pomeshchik (landowner).
In 1850, Danilevskii graduated from St. Petersburg University. He became an important government official. From 1869 to 1890 he was editor of the official newspaper PraviteVstvennyi vestnik. His novels Runaways in Novorossiia (1862) and Freedom (Runaways Returned), written in 1863 under the pseudonym A. Skavronskii, accurately depicted the struggle of the peasants against serfdom. From the late 1870*s he wrote historical novels: Mirovich (1879). Princess Tarakanova (1883), and Burned Moscow (1886). In spite of his limited historical concepts, Danilevskii’s ability to recreate the temper of an age and the entertaining character of his themes made his novels popular.
Sochineniia, vols. 1–24, 9th ed. St. Petersburg. 1902.Beglye v Novorossii—Volia (Beglye vorotilis’).[Foreward by E. Vilenskaia.] Moscow, 1956.
Mirovich—Kniazhna Tarakanova—Sozhzhennaia Moskva.[Moscow. 1961.]
In Ukrainian translation:
Zbihtsi v Novorosii. L’vov, 1892.
Novi zemli. L’vov, 1897.
Trubachev. S. S. G. P. Danilevskii: Biograficheskii ocherk. St. Petersburg. 1893.Istoriia russkoi literatury XIX v.: Bibliograficheskii ukazatel’. Moscow-Leningrad, 1962.