Acronym | Definition |
ACPD➣Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions |
ACPD➣Action Canada for Population and Development |
ACPD➣Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy (US State Department) |
ACPD➣Aviation Consumer Protection Division |
ACPD➣Association Canadienne des Professeurs de Droit (French: Canadian Association of Law Teachers) |
ACPD➣Alternating Current Potential Drop |
ACPD➣Advocacy Center for Persons with Disabilities (Florida) |
ACPD➣Asamblea Consultiva de las Poblaciones Desarraigadas (Consultative Assembly of Uprooted Populations, Guatemala) |
ACPD➣Army Control Program Directive |
ACPD➣Alternating Current Power Distribution/Distributor |