


or dis·sei·sin D0286800 (dĭs-sē′zĭn)n. Law Wrongful removal of a person from real property that is lawfully possessed.
[Middle English disseisine, from Anglo-Norman, variant of Old French dessaisine : des-, dis- + seisine, seisin; see seisin.]


(dɪsˈsi zɪn)

n. the act of disseizing or the state of being disseized. [1250–1300; Middle English disseisine < Anglo-French. See dis-1, seisin]

disseizin, disseisin

the process of wrongfully or unlawfully dispossessing a person of his rightful real property.See also: Crime
the process of wrongfully or unlawfully dispossessing a person of his rightful real property; deprivation of seizin.See also: Property and Ownership