disseminated gonococcal infection

disseminated gonococcal infection

infection from Neisseria gonorrhoeae, which is spread to distant parts of the body beyond the original portal of entry (usually the lower genital tract). Usually manifest by rash and arthritis.

disseminated gonococcal infection

STD A form of N gonorrhoeae infection affecting ±3% of Pts; it is 4-fold more common in ♀, especially during pregnancy and perimenstrual period Clinical Classic triad–dermatitis, tenosynovitis, migratory polyarthralgia; DGI follows mucosal infection–eg, genitourinary tract, rectum, oropharynx Clinical forms 1. Arthritis-dermatitis syndrome–tenosynovitis with skin rash and fever, often positive blood culture, asymmetric polyarthralgia;1/4 have monoarthralgia Sites Knee, elbow, wrist, metacarpophalangeal, ankle joints.2. Suppurative/septic arthritis–±1/3 of Pts, synovial fluid PMNs at 50,000–200,000 cells/mm3, maculopapular, pustular, vesicular or necrotic rash, often of torso, limbs, palms, soles; tenosynovitis in2/3 of Pts typically of hands and fingers; rarely, DGI causes pericarditis, endocarditis, meningitis, death. See Neisseria gonorrhoeae.