Danilov, Aleksandr Ivanovich
Danilov, Aleksandr Ivanovich
Born Feb. 24 (Mar. 8), 1916, in the village of Dobroe, in present-day Dobrov Raion, Lipetsk Oblast. Soviet historian and educational figure; doctor of historical sciences (1958). Academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR (1967). Honored Scientific Worker of the RSFSR (1966). Member of the CPSU since 1943.
Danilov was a professor at the University of Kazan from 1958 to 1961 and a professor and rector at the University of Tomsk from 1961 to 1967. He became minister of education of the RSFSR in 1967. His basic works are on the agrarian history of medieval Western Europe, on 19th- and 20th-century German historiography, and on the methodology of history. Danilov was a deputy to the seventh convocation of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. He was awarded the Order of the October Revolution, three other orders, and also medals.
Problemy agrarnoi istorii rannego srednevekov’ia v nemetskoi istoriografii kontsa XlX-nachala XX v.[Moscow] 1958.“Marksistsko-leninskaia teoriia otrazheniia i istoricheskaia nauka.” In the collection Srednie veka, vol. 24. Moscow, 1963.
“Rol obshchestvovedeniia i istorii v formirovanii marksistsko-leninskogo mirovozzreniia uchashchikhsia.” Narodnoe obrazovanie, 1969, no. 8.