Danilov, Semen

Danilov, Semen Petrovich


Born Oct. 7 (20), 1917. in the nasleg of Mytakh, present-day Gornyi Raion, Yakut ASSR. Soviet Yakut poet. Member of the CPSU since 1961.

Danilov graduated from Higher Literature Courses of the Writer’s Union of the USSR in 1957. He began to be published in 1937. His first book. Stories, was published in 1945. He published 20 collections of poems and narrative poems, including My Homeland (1949), Peaceful City (1958), A Friend’s Heart (1960). Stars Above the Native Land (1965), Verses and Narrative Poems (1967), and A Proud Man (1968). Lyrical reflections on the people’s fate run throughout these collections. The themes in Danilov’s poetry deal with the severe and vivid nature of the north, man’s love for it. and his desire to transform it. Danilov writes literature for children as well. He received the M. Gorky State Prize of the RSFSR in 1971. He has also been awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and medals.


Dohor khohuun sürëhë. Yakutsk, 1960.
Ïrïahït dohottor. Yakutsk, 1963.
In Russian translation:
Severnye pesni
. Yakutsk. 1957.
Pis’ma po poroshe. Moscow. 1957.
Schast’e orla. Moscow, 1961.
Lunnyilos’. Moscow, 1967.
Belaia noch’. Moscow, 1968.
Belyi kon’ Manchary: Slikhi i poema. Moscow, 1969.
Izbrannaia lirika. Moscow, 1970.


Litvinov, V. Odna liubov’: O tvorchestve poeta Semena Danilova. Yakutsk, 1967.
Okorokov. G. “Partiinoe slovo poeta.” Pravda, Mar. 21, 1971.
Ocherk istorii iakutskoi sovetskoi literatury. Moscow, 1970.