Bona Dea

Bona Dea

(bō`nə dē`ə), in Roman religion, ancient fertility goddess worshiped only by women; also called Fauna. She was said to be the daughter, sister, or wife of FaunusFaunus
, in Roman religion, woodland deity, protector of herds and crops. He was identified with the Greek Pan. His festival was observed on Dec. 5 with dancing and merrymaking.
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. No man could be present at her annual festival in May.

Bona Dea

goddess; so chaste no one but husband sees her after marriage. [Rom. Myth.: Zimmerman, 43]See: Chastity

Bona Dea

“goddess of earthly creatures.” [Rom. Myth.: Parrinder, 48]See: Earth

Bona Dea

goddess of fertility; counterpart of Faunus. [Rom. Myth.: Zimmerman, 43]See: Fertility