fortification spectrum

for·ti·fi·ca·tion spec·trum

the zigzag banding of light, resembling the tops of walls of fortified medieval towns; it marks the margin of the scintillating scotoma of migraine. Synonym(s): fortification figures, telehopsias
An angled figure near the point of fixation, which gradually spreads and assumes a lateral convex shape with a scintillating edge, leaving a varying amount of scotomata in its wake, which is characteristic of the aura that precedes visual migraines. This phenomenon was also know by the fanciful term, Maginot line pattern, so named for the jagged, slightly off-center lines

for·ti·fi·ca·tion spec·trum

(fōr-ti-fi-kā'shŭn spek'trŭm) The zigzag banding of light, resembling the walls of fortified medieval towns, which marks the margin of the scintillating scotoma of migraine.

fortification spectrum

(for?ti-fi-ka'shun spek'trum) The appearance of a dark patch with a zigzag outline in the visual field, causing a temporary blindness there. Synonym: teichopsia