Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Organization AAPSO
Afro-Asian People’s Solidarity Organization (AAPSO)
an international public organization whose aim (according to its by-laws, adopted in 1974) is to unite, coordinate, and strengthen the liberation struggle of the Asian and African peoples against imperialism, colonialism, neocolonialism, racism, Zionism, and fascism and to ensure their economic, social, and cultural development. It was founded at the first Afro-Asian people’s solidarity conference (Cairo, Dec. 26, 1957, to Jan. 1, 1958) as the Solidarity Council of the Afro-Asian Countries. It was reorganized as the Afro-Asian People’s Solidarity Organization at the second conference in Conakry in April 1960. AAPSO has about 80 member organizations, and solidarity committees of the European socialist countries participate as associate members. Observer status is held by a number of international organizations, including the World Federation of Trade Unions, the Women’s International Democratic Federation, the World Federation of Democratic Youth, the World Peace Council, and the International Student Alliance. The Soviet Afro-Asian Solidarity Committee has been a member of AAPSO since its inception.
The organization has initiated conferences of writers, women, and youth of the Afro-Asian countries and has organized seminars and conferences on important questions concerning the anti-imperialist struggle. “Solidarity days” with the peoples of several Afro-Asian countries fighting for their freedom and national independence are held annually.
The highest organ of AAPSO is its congress, convened once every three years. The council, consisting of heads of member organizations and observers, meets annually. AAPSO’s coordinating body, the presidium, whose members are prominent figures in the solidarity movement, meets twice a year. The permanent secretariat is headed by a secretary-general (Y. El Sebai, Egypt). AAPSO’s headquarters are in Cairo.
AAPSO publishes a monthly, Solidarity, in English, Arabic, and French.