

 [kon″dro-mik-so´mah] myxoma with cartilaginous elements.

chon·dro·myx·oid fi·bro·ma

an uncommon benign bone tumor, occurring most frequently in the tibia of adolescents and young adults, composed of lobulated myxoid tissue with scanty chondroid foci. Synonym(s): chondrofibroma, chondromyxoma

chondromyxoid fibroma

A focally aggressive tumour which arises in the femoral and proximal tibial metaphyses of young (< age 30) adults.
Eccentric, punched out lytic lesion with peripheral sclerosis; it may extend into soft tissue.

chon·dro·myx·oid fi·bro·ma

, chondromyxoma (kon'drō-miks'oyd fī-brō'mă, kon'drō-mik-sō'mă) An uncommon benign bone tumor, occurring most frequently in the tibia of adolescents and young adults, composed of lobulated myxoid tissue with scanty chondroid foci.
Synonym(s): chondrofibroma.