AFSAAmerican Foreign Service Association
AFSAAmerican Financial Services Association
AFSAAmerican Fire Sprinkler Association
AFSAAir Force Sergeants Association
AFSAAdoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 (law)
AFSAAmerican Federation of School Administrators
AFSAArmed Forces Security Agency
AFSAArbitration Foundation of Southern Africa
AFSAAmerican Fibromyalgia Syndrome Association, Inc.
AFSAAustralian Fertiliser Services Association
AFSAAir Force Safety Agency
AFSAAssociation Française du Syndrome d'Angelman
AFSAAmerican Federation of Strength Athletes
AFSAAlternative Force Structure Assessment
AFSAAfghan Student Association
AFSAAssociation Française des Semences Autogames (French)
AFSAAssociation of the French Schools in North America (est. 1985)