释义 |
carbo- or carb-pref. Carbon: carbohydrate. [French, from carbone, carbon; see carbon.]carbo- or before a vowel carb-combining form (Chemistry) carbon: carbohydrate; carbonate. car•bo (ˈkɑr boʊ) n., pl. -bos. 1. carbohydrate. 2. a food having a high carbohydrate content. [1960–65; by shortening; compare -o] carbo- a combining form used in the names of chemical compounds containing carbon: carbohydrate. Esp. before a vowel, carb-. carbo-
carb- , carbo- (karb, kar'bō), Prefixes indicating carbon, especially the attachment of a group containing a carbon atom. [L. carbo, charcoal] carb- , carbo-Prefixes indicating carbon, especially the attachment of a group containing a carbon atom. [L. carbo, charcoal]carbo-, carb- [L. carbo, stem carbon-, coal (dead or burning), charcoal] Prefixes meaning carbon. |