Acronym | Definition |
ENE➣Enemy |
ENE➣École Nationale d'Equitation (French: National School of Equitation) |
ENE➣Ezra-Nehemiah-Esther (Old Testament) |
ENE➣Enterprise Network Event |
ENE➣Early Neutral Evaluation (dispute resolution) |
ENE➣Engineering Education (Purdue University) |
ENE➣Énergies Nouvelles Environnement (French: Energy News Environment) |
ENE➣Environment Northeast (various locations) |
ENE➣East-North-East |
ENE➣Expected Negative Exposure (finance) |
ENE➣Évreux Nature Environnement (French nature association) |
ENE➣Espace Numérique Entreprise (French: Digital Space Company) |
ENE➣Enterprise Network Engineer (job position) |
ENE➣Escape and Evasion |
ENE➣Enterprise Networking Event |
ENE➣End Network Element |
ENE➣Executive Notes Editor |