Arenac County

Arenac County, Michigan

PO Box 747
Standish, MI 48658
Phone: (989) 846-4626

On the east coast of MI on Saginaw Bay; established Mar 2, 1831 (prior to statehood). Name Origin: Name coined by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft (1793-1864), author, explorer, MI legislator, and superintendent of Indian Affairs for MI (1836-41), meaning 'sandy place' from Spanish arena 'sand' and -ac 'place of.'

Area (sq mi):: 680.81 (land 366.84; water 313.97) Population per square mile: 46.80
Population 2005: 17,154 State rank: 67 Population change: 2000-20005 -0.70%; 1990-2000 15.70% Population 2000: 17,269 (White 94.40%; Black or African American 1.80%; Hispanic or Latino 1.40%; Asian 0.30%; Other 2.40%). Foreign born: 1.10%. Median age: 40.10
Income 2000: per capita $16,300; median household $32,805; Population below poverty level: 13.90% Personal per capita income (2000-2003): $20,513-$21,655
Unemployment (2004): 9.90% Unemployment change (from 2000): 0.80% Median travel time to work: 28.30 minutes Working outside county of residence: 42.80%
Cities with population over 10,000: None
See other counties in Michigan.