释义 |
chorda (ˈkɔːdə) na cord-like formation in the bodychorda
chorda [kor´dah] (pl. chor´dae) (L.) a cord or sinew. adj., adj chor´dal.chorda mag´na Achilles tendon.chor´dae tendi´neae tendinous cords connecting the two atrioventricular valves to the appropriate papillary muscles in the heart ventricles. Chordae tendineae of the posterior cusps of atrioventricular valves in a cross-section of the heart. From Dorland's, 2000.chorda tym´pani a nerve originating from the facial nerve, distributed to the submandibular, sublingual, and lingual glands and the anterior two-thirds of the tongue; it is a parasympathetic and special sensory nerve.chorda umbilica´lis umbilical cord.chorda voca´lis vocal cord.chor·da, pl. chor·dae (kōr'dă, -dē), [TA] A tendinous or a cord-like structure. See also: cord. [L., cord] chor·da, pl. chordae (kōr'dă, -dē) [TA] A tendinous or a cordlike structure. See also: cord[L., cord]chor·da, pl. chordae (kōr'dă, -dē) [TA] A tendinous or a cordlike structure. [L., cord] |