Daoud, Sardar Muhammad

Daoud, Sardar Muhammad


Born July 18, 1908, in Kabul. Afghan politician, lieutenant-general.

Daoud was educated in Afghanistan (Khabibia lycée) and France. From 1932 to 1938 he held (consecutively) the posts of governor-general in the former Eastern and Kandahar provinces; from 1939 to 1946 he commanded the central army corps in Kabul. He was minister of national defense in 1946–48 and 1949–52. In 1948–49 he was ambassador to France and simultaneously to Belgium and Switzerland. He was prime minister of Afghanistan from 1953 to 1963. After the republican regime was established in Afghanistan on July 17. 1973, he was proclaimed the head of state. He occupied the posts of prime minister, minister of foreign affairs, and minister of national defense in the newly formed cabinet. In 1956. 1959, and 1961 he made friendly visits to the USSR.

(7–1670–1; updated]