Foremen's Schools and Classes

Foremen’s Schools and Classes


in the USSR, schools and classes in which workers may receive instruction without leaving their jobs. In addition to providing a general education, the foremen’s schools enable students to receive advanced training and increase their technical knowledge. Skilled workers and foremen with practical experience who do not have a complete secondary education attend these schools and classes.

Foremen’s schools, which were first established in 1962 at large enterprises and cover the ninth through 11th grades, are set up when there are at least 100 potential students. When the number is less than 100, special foremen’s classes, also covering the ninth through 11th grades, are created within evening (shift) secondary general-education schools; this system was introduced in 1964. The general-education subjects in foremen’s schools and classes follow the syllabi of the secondary school; specialized subjects are based on syllabi approved by the management of the enterprise. In addition to receiving a certificate of secondary education, graduates of the schools and classes, upon passing additional qualifying examinations, are eligible to hold the position of foreman or chief of a production section.


Fedorova, O. F. “Nekotorye voprosy raboty shkol i i klassov masterov.” Sovetskaia pedagogika, 1964, no 3.
Turkina, Iu. P., L. F. Komissarova, and V. P. Prostoserdov. “Srednee obrazovanie plius povyshenie kvalifikatsii.” Vecherniaia sredniaia shkola, 1975, no 4.