Forensic Examination by Experts

Forensic Examination by Experts


an investigation conducted by an expert in the manner provided by procedural legislation in order to establish facts and circumstances of a criminal or civil case. Under Soviet law, a forensic examination is conducted as a result of a court order or a request by an investigator, procurator, or person conducting an inquiry.

The subject of a forensic examination by experts depends on the objects examined, the goals and tasks of the investigation, and the questions that have arisen on the part of the investigator or the court during the investigation and review of the case. In particular, the objects that are examined may include tangible evidence, parts of a corpse, specimens, the physical setting of the incident under investigation, or elements of the setting.

The different types of forensic examination include criminalis-tic examination by experts, engineering and transport examinations (including forensic motor vehicle examinations), forensic medical examinations (including forensic psychiatric examinations), biological examinations, accounting examinations, economic examinations, agricultural examinations, ecological examinations, and technical engineering examinations (including technical fire examinations, technical construction examinations, and examinations of provisions for accident prevention). On the basis of the results of the examination, the expert prepares a written conclusion, which is treated as one of the items of evidence and is considered together with the other evidence collected in the case.

In the USSR special institutions have been organized for the purpose of conducting such examinations. They include bureaus of forensic medical examination, and scientific research institutes and laboratories for forensic examination. These institutions also have divisions (branches) in which criminalistic, motor vehicle, accounting, and technical engineering examinations are conducted.


Kriminalistika. Edited by B. A. Viktorov and R. S. Belkin. Moscow, 1976.
Sudebnaia bukhgalteriia. Edited by S. S. Ostroumov. Moscow, 1975.
Sudebnaia meditsina. Edited by V. M. Smol’ianinov. Moscow, 1975.
Sudebnaia psikhiatriia, 2nd ed. Edited by G. V. Morozov and D. R. Lunts. Moscow, 1971.