

C0326650 (kə-rē′gəs, -rā′-)n. pl. cho·re·gi (-jī′) Variant of choragus.


(kəˈriːɡəs) n1. (Theatre) the producer or financier of a dramatist's works in Ancient Greece2. (Education) the name given to an official at Oxford University who now aids the Professor of Music but who was originally assigned to oversee musical rehearsal3. (Music, other) a person who conducts or directs a choir or specialized group of people


(kəˈreɪ gəs, koʊ-, kɔ-)

also choregus

n., pl. -gi (-jī), -gus•es. 1. (in ancient Greece) the leader of a dramatic chorus. 2. any conductor or leader of something, esp. of a musical ensemble or entertainment. [1620–30; < Latin < Greek chorāgós,chorēgós <chor(ós) chorus + ágein to lead] cho•rag•ic (kəˈrædʒ ɪk, -ˈreɪ dʒɪk) adj.