bone plate

bone plate

a metal bar with perforations for the insertion of screws; used to immobilize fractured segments.

bone plate

A flat, round or oval decalcified bone or metal disk, employed in pairs, used in approximation.See also: plate

bone plate

(bōn plāt) Metal bar with perforations for the insertion of screws; used to immobilize fractured segments.

Patient discussion about bone plate

Q. Any ideas about why she leaves some food in her plate. Thank you for your visit. My daughter is 8 years old and she is a poor eater. She never wants to eat dinner even if it's her favorite dish. And then she picks it and an hour later she says that she feels hungry. She never completes her plate, always leaving a bit, no matter what we feed her. Should she be forced to eat dinner and if she doesn't, have only the dinner to eat later? Any ideas about why she leaves some food in her plate?A. She trusts her mom. The most common reason to be like this is she knows that she will get something to eat later from her dear mom. While she shouldn't be forced to eat, she should learn that her main meal in the evening will be served at the dinner time.
Some other things that you might do to help deal with your picky eater include:
•Make sure that she isn't eating a big snack after school or filling up on juice, soda, or even milk before dinner.
•Offer her smaller portions so that there isn't as much left over on her plate.
•Don’t offer bribes or rewards for eating.
•Never talk about dieting, calories, and such, especially if she or other family members have problems with being overweight. Instead, talk about eating healthy.
•Consider not offering her anything else to eat if she misses dinner or just offer a small, healthy snack.
Mainly a visit to your Pediatrician to monitor her growth, development and eating habits would also be a good idea. Hug her now!

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