Auguste Jean Marie Vermorel

Vermorel, Auguste Jean Marie


Born June 21, 1841, in Denicé; died June 20, 1871, in Versailles. French publicist, activist in the Paris Commune of 1871, and left Proudhonist.

In the period of the Second Empire (1852-70), Vermorel published the newspapers Le Courrier français and La Réforme, in which he sharply criticized the Bonapartist regime and exposed the moderate bourgeois-republican opposition to the Empire. After the fall of the Second Empire (Sept. 4, 1870) he led the struggle against the traitorous politics of the government of “national defense.” On March 26 he was elected a member of the Paris Commune of 1871 and served on the Commission of Justice, on the Executive Commission, and on the Commission of Social Security. He joined the “minority” of the commune. Vermorel published the newspapers La Justice and L’Ami du peuple. During the “Week of May” he was seriously wounded and the Versailles forces took him prisoner. He died in a hospital.


In Russian translation:
Deiateli sorok vos’mogo goda [i ikh rol’ v sobytiiakh kak 1848 g., tak i posleduiushchikh let]. Moscow-Petrograd, 1923.
Deiateli 1851 goda: Istoriia prezidentstva i osnovaniia Vtoroi imperii. St. Petersburg, 1870.