

单词 dar



abbr.1. damage assessment routine2. Daughters of the American Revolution


abbreviation for Daughters of the American Revolution


Daughters of the American Revolution.
References in classic literatureShe oughter cracked me over de head for bein' so sarcy; but dar's whar 't is--I can't do nothin' with ladies in de kitchen!"View in context"What PUT it dar? Didn' he jis' dis minute sing out like he knowed you?"View in contextI skips along out towards t'other end o' de house to see what's gwine on, en stops by de ole winder on de side towards Pudd'nhead Wilson's house dat ain't got no sash in it-- but dey ain't none of 'em got any sashes, for as dat's concerned-- en I stood dah in de dark en look out, en dar in the moonlight, right down under me 'uz one o' de twins a-cussin'--not much, but jist a-cussin' soft--it 'uz de brown one dat 'uz cussin,'View in context"Dar it is, boss," he said, pointing down the street.View in context"There's two police," said the old man, "an' him that lives at Sallust's dar'd them stop him.None of the men of the neighborhood had dared to join; they stood in the road whispering, and occasionally venturing to laugh at the jests of a couple of tramps who had stopped to see the fun, and who cared nothing for Sir Charles.View in contextBold deed thou hast presum'd, adventrous EVE, And peril great provok't, who thus hast dar'd Had it bin onely coveting to Eye That sacred Fruit, sacred to abstinence, Much more to taste it under banne to touch.View in context"He might say that it was former prime ministers, caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati and Prime Minister-designate Tammam Salam who weakened Dar al-Fatwa," Arwadi said.Saudi envoy: Dar al-Fatwa is in decline"The number of sugar farmers, estimated at less than 6,000, was in DAR's final master list before end of October," said the source who requested for anonymity.Farmers to benefit from farm land ruling23 June 2011 -- Kuwait-based Islamic Sharia-compliant investment and consumer finance specialist Investment Dar (KUW:TID) said it appointed Abdullah Mashari al-Humaidhi CEO.-Investment Dar names top execKuwait's Investment Dar , owner of half of luxury carmaker Aston Martin, proposed asset sales of about $1.69 billion over three years to creditors to restructure its debt pile, banking sources said on Wednesday.Aston Martin co-owner plans $1.7 bln asset salesThe restructuring proposal has
not been agreed by Commercial Bank of Kuwait (CBK), one of Dar's largest creditors, a London-based source said.Investment Dar plans $1.7 billion asset sales



(Digital Audio Radio) See DARS.


1. In Indian and Persian architecture, a gateway. 2. In Oriental architecture, a dwelling.


DARDaughters of the American Revolution
DARData At Rest
DARDaily Afternoon Randomness (Chive)
DARDisk Archive
DARDisability and Rehabilitation (World Health Organization)
DARDepartment of Agrarian Reform (Philippines)
DARDial-A-Ride (senior program)
DARDepartment of Agricultural Resources (Massachusetts)
DARDisplay Aspect Ratio
DARDocument Analysis and Recognition
DARDirección de Acueductos Rurales (Spanish: Direction of Rural Aqueducts; Nicaragua)
DARDépartement d'Anesthésie-Réanimation (French: Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care; various organizations)
DARDivision of AIDS Research (US NIMH)
DARDigital Audio Reserves
DARDigital Architecture
DARDirect Access Restore
DARDigital Audio Recording
DARData Retrieval
DARDigital Audio Research
DARDigital Audio Receiver
DARDigital Archive
DARDivision of Air Resources (New York)
DARDesignated Airworthiness Representative
DARData, Action, Response (health care)
DARDecision Analysis and Resolution
DARDegree Audit Report (various schools)
DARDar Es Salaam, Tanzania - International (Airport Code)
DARDirect Autumn Release (whooping cranes)
DARDesignated Agency Representative (US GSA)
DARDefense Acquisition Regulation
DARDigital Audio Recorder
DARDay-After Recall
DARDigital Audio Radio
DARDaily Activity Report
DARDraft Assessment Report (European Food Safety Authority)
DARDominion Atlantic Railway (Nova Scotia)
DARDiagnostic Assessment of Reading
DARDownwinders at Risk (Texas)
DARDefault Application Router (software)
DARDivision of Animal Resources
DARDirection des Achats Responsables (French: Purchasing Department Heads; University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines)
DARDesign Abstracts Retrospective (journal index)
DARData Access Request
DARData Acquisition Request
DARDynamic Alternative Routing
DARDressed All Round (grade of timber, where all sides are machined)
DARData Analysis Report
DARData Address Register
DARDarier-White Disease
DARDriving After Revocation (citation)
DARDigital Array Radar
DARD'Arianne Resources Inc (Chicoutimi, QC, Canada)
DARDignité, Apaisement et Réconciliation (French: Dignity, Appeasement and Reconciliation)
DARDigital Assets Repository
DARDigital Anti-jam Receiver (GPS)
DARDays Away Rate (metric)
DARDrawer's Attention Required (banking)
DARDynamic Adaptive Routing (Cisco)
DARDesign Approval Representative (transit; Canada)
DARDry Adiabatic Rate (meteorology)
DARData Access Register
DARDeviation Approval Request
DARDefense Acquisition Radar
DARData Aided Receiver
DARDaily Active Rhythm (health care)
DARDisc Area Ratio
DARDistortion Adaptive Receiver
DARData Acquisition Recording
DARDigital Aids Recorder (Airbus Industrie)
DARDrawing Analysis Record
DARDamage Assessment Routines
DARDisabled Aircraft Recovery
DARData Automation Requirement
DARDesignated Area of Recovery (combat search and rescue)
DARDamned Average Raiser (testing)
DARDynamic Address Resolution (Cisco)
DARDigital Autopilot Requirements
DARDielectric Absorption Rate
DARDocument Approval and Release
DARDouble Address Rate
DARDeviation Authorization Request
DARDisbursement Authorization Request
DARDesign Assessment Report
DARDépartement d'Anesthésiologie et de Réanimation (French: Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care; Hospital Center of Valais; Valais, Switzerland)
DARDirect Assistance Request
DARDistributed Array Radar
DARDomestic Animals Registries Inc
DARDefect Analysis Report (software development)
DARDeclassification Areas
DARDryer, Compressed Air, Refrigerated
DARData Automation Request
DARDirect and Alternate Route
DARDetector-Array Receiver
DARDivision of Accounting and Reporting (California)
DARDorsal Acetabular Rime
DARData Acquisition Requirement
DARDeutscher Akkreditierung Rat




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