

 [kor´oid] the middle, vascular coat of the eye, between the sclera and the retina. adj., adj choroid´al. It contains an abundant supply of blood vessels and a large amount of brown pigment that serves to reduce reflection or diffusion of light when it falls on the retina. Adequate nutrition of the eye is dependent upon blood vessels in the choroid.


(kor'oyd), [TA] Portion of the middle or vascular layer of the eyeball lying between the pigment epithelium and the sclera and posterior to the other parts of the vascular layer, the ciliary body, and iris. Synonym(s): choroidea [TA] [G. choroeidēs, a false reading for chorioeidēs, like a membrane]


noun The highly vascularised and pigmented nutrient middle layer of the eye, located between retina and sclera (the tapetum is an iridescent layer in the choroid of some eyes); part of the uvea.


(kōr'oyd) [TA] The middle vascular tunic of the eye lying between the retina and the sclera.
Synonym(s): choroidea [TA] .
[G. choroeidēs, a false reading for chorioeidēs, like a fetal membrane]