distal intestinal obstructive syndrome

distal intestinal obstructive syndrome

a syndrome seen in cystic fibrosis secondary to impaction with feces and inspissated mucus.

dis·tal in·tes·ti·nal ob·struc·tive syn·drome

(dis'tăl in-tes'ti-năl ŏb-strŭk'tiv sin'drōm) A syndrome seen in cystic fibrosis secondary to impaction with feces and inspissated mucus.

dis·tal in·tes·ti·nal ob·struc·tive syn·drome

(dis'tăl in-tes'ti-năl ŏb-strŭk'tiv sin'drōm) A syndrome seen in cystic fibrosis secondary to impaction with feces and mucus.