Acronym | Definition |
CHR➣Character |
CHR➣Christian |
CHR➣Christ |
CHR➣Café Hôtel Restaurant (French: Cafe Hotel Restaurant) |
CHR➣Chromosome |
CHR➣Chars (FAO fish species code) |
CHR➣Chair |
CHR➣Commission on Human Rights (United Nations) |
CHR➣Chronic |
CHR➣Centre Hospitalier Régional (French: Regional Hospital Center; France and Belgium) |
CHR➣Contemporary Hit Radio |
CHR➣Calgary Health Region |
CHR➣Center for Hospitality Research (Cornell University; Ithaca, NY) |
CHR➣Centre for Human Rights (South Africa) |
CHR➣Community Health Record (various locations) |
CHR➣Character File |
CHR➣Constraint Handling Rules (programming languages) |
CHR➣Court of Human Rights |
CHR➣Committee on Human Research |
CHR➣Community Health Representative(s) |
CHR➣Christian Hit Radio |
CHR➣Center for Human Reproduction |
CHR➣Chinook Health Region |
CHR➣Child Health Research |
CHR➣Cache Hit Ratio |
CHR➣Call History Record |
CHR➣Community Housing Resource, Inc. (Provincetown, MA) |
CHR➣Center for Hydrogen Research (Washington Savannah River Company LLC) |
CHR➣Communication History Report |
CHR➣Capitalsource Healthcare Reit |
CHR➣Chateauroux France (airport code) |
CHR➣Complete Healthcare Resources (Dresher, PA) |
CHR➣Chromate Resistance |
CHR➣Cerebrohepatorenal Syndrome |
CHR➣Commission Internationale de l'Hydrologie du Bassin du Rhin (International Commission for the Hydrology of the Rhine Basin) |
CHR➣Comité d'Histoire Régionale (French: Regional History Committee) |
CHR➣Chestnut Ridge Railway Company |
CHR➣Cooper-Harper Rating |
CHR➣Center for Human Radiobiology |
CHR➣National Center for Human Reproduction |
CHR➣Confinement Heat Removal |
CHR➣Cursive Handwritten Recognition (Recogniform Technologies SpA) |
CHR➣Correlated High-Rank |
CHR➣Cumulative Hazard Rate |
CHR➣Consumer Healthcare Retail |