

 [fah-sik´u-lus] (pl. fasci´culi) (L.) a small bundle or tract, especially of nerve or muscle fibers. Called also fascicle.cuneate fasciculus of medulla oblongata the continuation into the medulla oblongata of the cuneate fasciculus of spinal cord.cuneate fasciculus of spinal cord the lateral portion of the dorsal funiculus of the spinal cord, composed of ascending fibers that end in the nucleus cuneatus.gracile fasciculus of medulla oblongata the continuation into the medulla oblongata of the gracile fasciculus of spinal cord.gracile fasciculus of spinal cord the median portion of the dorsal funiculus of the spinal cord, composed of ascending fibers that end in the nucleus gracilis.


(fa-sik'yū-lī), Plural of fasciculus.


(fa-sik'yū-lī) Plural of fasciculus.