释义 |
dark D0029300 (därk)adj. dark·er, dark·est 1. a. Lacking or having very little light: a dark corner.b. Lacking brightness: a dark day.c. Reflecting only a small fraction of incident light; tending toward black: dark clothing.d. Served without milk or cream: dark coffee.2. Being or having a complexion that is not light in color.3. Sullen or threatening: a dark scowl.4. a. Characterized by gloom or pessimism; dismal or bleak: a dark day for the economy; dark predictions of what lies in store.b. Being or characterized by morbid or grimly satiric humor.5. a. Unknown or concealed; mysterious: a dark secret; the dark workings of the unconscious.b. Lacking enlightenment, knowledge, or culture: a dark age in the history of education.6. a. Evil in nature or effect; sinister: "churned up dark undercurrents of ethnic and religious hostility" (Peter Maas).b. Morally corrupt; vicious: dark deeds; a dark past.7. Having richness or depth: a dark, melancholy vocal tone.8. Not giving performances; closed: The movie theater is dark on Mondays.9. Linguistics Pronounced with the back of the tongue raised toward the velum. Used of the sound (l) in words like full.n.1. Absence of light.2. A place having little or no light.3. Night; nightfall: home before dark.4. A deep hue or color.5. darks Pieces of laundry having a dark color.Idiom: in the dark1. In secret: high-level decisions made in the dark.2. In a state of ignorance; uninformed: kept me in the dark about their plans. [Middle English derk, from Old English deorc.] dark′ish adj.dark′ly adv.dark′ness n.Synonyms: dark, dim, murky, dusky, shady, shadowy These adjectives indicate the absence of light or clarity. Dark, the most widely applicable, can refer to a lack or near lack of illumination (a dark night), deepness of shade or color (dark brown), somberness (a dark mood), or immorality (a dark past). Dim means having or producing little light (dim shadows; a dim light bulb) and further suggests lack of sharpness or clarity: "the terrible dim faces known in dreams" (Carson McCullers)."tales now dim and half forgotten" (Jane Stevenson). Murky refers to a thick or clouded darkness: "Dolphins use sonar beams to navigate the murky depths of the ocean" (Tim Hilchey). Like dim, it is also used of what is indistinct or uncertain: "Modern warfare is murky, and with no clear frontlines, the distinction between combat and support can become meaningless" (Kristin Henderson). Dusky suggests a subdued half-light: "The dusky night rides down the sky, / And ushers in the morn" (Henry Fielding). It can also refer to deepness or darkness of color: "A dusky blush rose to her cheek" (Edith Wharton). Shady refers literally to what is sheltered from light, especially sunlight (a shady grove of pines) or figuratively to what is of questionable honesty (shady business deals). Shadowy also implies obstructed light (an ill-lit, shadowy street) but may refer to what is indistinct or little known: "[He] retreated from the limelight to the shadowy fringe of music history" (Charles Sherman). It can also refer to something that seems to lack substance and is mysterious or sinister: a shadowy figure in a black cape.dark (dɑːk) adj1. having little or no light: a dark street. 2. (Colours) (of a colour) reflecting or transmitting little light: dark brown. Compare light129, medium23. a. (of complexion, hair colour, etc) not fair or blond; swarthy; brunetteb. (in combination): dark-eyed. 4. gloomy or dismal5. sinister; evil: a dark purpose. 6. sullen or angry: a dark scowl. 7. ignorant or unenlightened: a dark period in our history. 8. secret or mysterious: keep it dark. 9. (Phonetics & Phonology) phonetics denoting an (l) pronounced with a velar articulation giving back vowel resonance. In English, l is usually dark when final or preconsonantal. Compare light13010. (Stock Exchange) go dark stock exchange informal (of a company) to remove itself from the register of major exchanges while continuing to traden11. absence of light; darkness12. night or nightfall13. a dark place, patch, or shadow14. a state of ignorance (esp in the phrase in the dark)vb an archaic word for darken[Old English deorc; related to Old High German terchennen to hide] ˈdarkish adj ˈdarkly adv ˈdarkness ndark (dɑrk) adj. dark•er, dark•est, n., v., - adj. 1. having very little or no light: a dark room. 2. radiating, admitting, or reflecting little light: a dark color. 3. approaching black in hue: a dark brown. 4. not pale or fair; swarthy: a dark complexion. 5. brunette; dark-colored: dark eyebrows. 6. having brunette hair. 7. (of coffee) containing only a small amount of milk or cream. 8. gloomy; dismal: the dark days of the war. 9. sullen; frowning: a dark expression. 10. evil; iniquitous; wicked: a dark plot. 11. destitute of knowledge or culture; unenlightened. 12. hard to understand; obscure. 13. hidden; secret. 14. (of a theater) offering no performances; closed. 15. (of an l-sound) pronounced with the back of the tongue raised, giving back-vowel resonance, as the l in full. n. 16. the absence of light. 17. night; nightfall: to come home after dark. 18. a dark place. 19. a dark color. v.t., v.i. Obs. 20. to make or grow dark; darken. Idioms: in the dark, in ignorance; uninformed. [before 1000; Middle English derk, Old English deorc] dark Past participle: darked Gerund: darking
Present |
I dark | you dark | he/she/it darks | we dark | you dark | they dark |
Preterite |
I darked | you darked | he/she/it darked | we darked | you darked | they darked |
Present Continuous |
I am darking | you are darking | he/she/it is darking | we are darking | you are darking | they are darking |
Present Perfect |
I have darked | you have darked | he/she/it has darked | we have darked | you have darked | they have darked |
Past Continuous |
I was darking | you were darking | he/she/it was darking | we were darking | you were darking | they were darking |
Past Perfect |
I had darked | you had darked | he/she/it had darked | we had darked | you had darked | they had darked |
Future |
I will dark | you will dark | he/she/it will dark | we will dark | you will dark | they will dark |
Future Perfect |
I will have darked | you will have darked | he/she/it will have darked | we will have darked | you will have darked | they will have darked |
Future Continuous |
I will be darking | you will be darking | he/she/it will be darking | we will be darking | you will be darking | they will be darking |
Present Perfect Continuous |
I have been darking | you have been darking | he/she/it has been darking | we have been darking | you have been darking | they have been darking |
Future Perfect Continuous |
I will have been darking | you will have been darking | he/she/it will have been darking | we will have been darking | you will have been darking | they will have been darking |
Past Perfect Continuous |
I had been darking | you had been darking | he/she/it had been darking | we had been darking | you had been darking | they had been darking |
Conditional |
I would dark | you would dark | he/she/it would dark | we would dark | you would dark | they would dark |
Past Conditional |
I would have darked | you would have darked | he/she/it would have darked | we would have darked | you would have darked | they would have darked | ThesaurusNoun | 1. | dark - absence of light or illumination darknessillumination - the degree of visibility of your environmentnight - darkness; "it vanished into the night"lightlessness, pitch blackness, total darkness, black, blackness - total absence of light; "they fumbled around in total darkness"; "in the black of night"brownout, dimout, blackout - darkness resulting from the extinction of lights (as in a city invisible to enemy aircraft)semidarkness - partial darknesslighting, light - having abundant light or illumination; "they played as long as it was light"; "as long as the lighting was good" | | 2. | dark - absence of moral or spiritual values; "the powers of darkness"iniquity, wickedness, darknesscondition, status - a state at a particular time; "a condition (or state) of disrepair"; "the current status of the arms negotiations"foulness - disgusting wickedness and immorality; "he understood the foulness of sin"; "his display of foulness deserved severe punishment"; "mouths which speak such foulness must be cleansed" | | 3. | dark - an unilluminated area; "he moved off into the darkness"darkness, shadowscene - the place where some action occurs; "the police returned to the scene of the crime" | | 4. | dark - the time after sunset and before sunrise while it is dark outsidenight, nighttimeperiod, period of time, time period - an amount of time; "a time period of 30 years"; "hastened the period of time of his recovery"; "Picasso's blue period"24-hour interval, day, mean solar day, solar day, twenty-four hour period, twenty-four hours - time for Earth to make a complete rotation on its axis; "two days later they left"; "they put on two performances every day"; "there are 30,000 passengers per day"weeknight - any night of the week except Saturday or Sundayevening - the early part of night (from dinner until bedtime) spent in a special way; "an evening at the opera"late-night hour - the latter part of nightmidnight - 12 o'clock at night; the middle of the night; "young children should not be allowed to stay up until midnight"small hours - the hours just after midnightlights-out - a prescribed bedtimewedding night - the night after the wedding when bride and groom sleep together | | 5. | dark - an unenlightened state; "he was in the dark concerning their intentions"; "his lectures dispelled the darkness"darknessunenlightenment - a lack of understanding | Adj. | 1. | dark - devoid of or deficient in light or brightness; shadowed or black; "sitting in a dark corner"; "a dark day"; "dark shadows"; "dark as the inside of a black cat"light - characterized by or emitting light; "a room that is light when the shutters are open"; "the inside of the house was airy and light" | | 2. | dark - (used of color) having a dark hue; "dark green"; "dark glasses"; "dark colors like wine red or navy blue"black - being of the achromatic color of maximum darkness; having little or no hue owing to absorption of almost all incident light; "black leather jackets"; "as black as coal"; "rich black soil"light-colored, light - (used of color) having a relatively small amount of coloring agent; "light blue"; "light colors such as pastels"; "a light-colored powder" | | 3. | dark - brunet (used of hair or skin or eyes); "dark eyes"brunet, brunette - marked by dark or relatively dark pigmentation of hair or skin or eyes; "a brunette beauty" | | 4. | dark - stemming from evil characteristics or forces; wicked or dishonorable; "black deeds"; "a black lie"; "his black heart has concocted yet another black deed"; "Darth Vader of the dark side"; "a dark purpose"; "dark undercurrents of ethnic hostility"; "the scheme of some sinister intelligence bent on punishing him"-Thomas Hardysinister, blackevil - morally bad or wrong; "evil purposes"; "an evil influence"; "evil deeds" | | 5. | dark - secret; "keep it dark"concealed - hidden on any grounds for any motive; "a concealed weapon"; "a concealed compartment in his briefcase" | | 6. | dark - showing a brooding ill humor; "a dark scowl"; "the proverbially dour New England Puritan"; "a glum, hopeless shrug"; "he sat in moody silence"; "a morose and unsociable manner"; "a saturnine, almost misanthropic young genius"- Bruce Bliven; "a sour temper"; "a sullen crowd"moody, morose, glowering, sullen, glum, saturnine, dour, sourill-natured - having an irritable and unpleasant disposition | | 7. | dark - lacking enlightenment or knowledge or culture; "this benighted country"; "benighted ages of barbarism and superstition"; "the dark ages"; "a dark age in the history of education"benightedunenlightened - not enlightened; ignorant; "the devices by which unenlightened men preserved the unjust social order" | | 8. | dark - marked by difficulty of style or expression; "much that was dark is now quite clear to me"; "those who do not appreciate Kafka's work say his style is obscure"obscureuncomprehensible, incomprehensible - difficult to understand; "the most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible"- A. Einstein | | 9. | dark - causing dejection; "a blue day"; "the dark days of the war"; "a week of rainy depressing weather"; "a disconsolate winter landscape"; "the first dismal dispiriting days of November"; "a dark gloomy day"; "grim rainy weather"dismal, drear, dreary, disconsolate, gloomy, dingy, drab, sorry, grim, bluecheerless, depressing, uncheerful - causing sad feelings of gloom and inadequacy; "the economic outlook is depressing"; "something cheerless about the room"; "a moody and uncheerful person"; "an uncheerful place" | | 10. | dark - having skin rich in melanin pigments; "National Association for the Advancement of Colored People"; "dark-skinned peoples"dark-skinned, non-white, colored, colouredblack - of or belonging to a racial group having dark skin especially of sub-Saharan African origin; "a great people--a black people--...injected new meaning and dignity into the veins of civilization"- Martin Luther King Jr. | | 11. | dark - not giving performances; closed; "the theater is dark on Mondays"inactive - lacking activity; lying idle or unused; "an inactive mine"; "inactive accounts"; "inactive machinery" |
darkadjective1. dim, murky, shady, shadowy, grey, cloudy, dingy, overcast, dusky, unlit, pitch-black, indistinct, poorly lit, sunless, tenebrous, darksome (literary), pitchy, unilluminated It was a dark and stormy night.2. black, brunette, ebony, dark-skinned, sable, dusky, swarthy a tall, dark and handsome stranger black light, fair, blonde, blond, fair-haired, flaxen-haired, light-complexioned, towheaded3. evil, foul, horrible, sinister, infamous, vile, satanic, wicked, atrocious, sinful, hellish, infernal, nefarious, damnable magicians who harnessed dark powers4. secret, deep, hidden, mysterious, concealed, obscure, mystic, enigmatic, puzzling, occult, arcane, cryptic, abstruse, recondite, Delphic the dark recesses of the mind5. gloomy, sad, grim, miserable, low, bleak, moody, dismal, pessimistic, melancholy, sombre, morbid, glum, mournful, morose, joyless, doleful, cheerless His endless chatter kept me from thinking dark thoughts. gloomy clear, bright, glad, pleasant, hopeful, sunny, cheerful, genial6. angry, threatening, forbidding, frowning, ominous, dour, scowling, sullen, glum, glowering, sulky He shot her a dark glance.noun1. darkness, shadows, gloom, dusk, obscurity, murk, dimness, semi-darkness, murkiness I've always been afraid of the dark.2. night, twilight, evening, dusk, night-time, nightfall after darkin the dark ignorant, unaware, oblivious, uninformed, out of the loop, unenlightened, blind to something I managed to keep my parents in the dark.Proverbs "The darkest hour is just before the dawn"darkadjective1. Having little or no light:black, pitch-dark.2. Deficient in brightness:caliginous, dim, dusky, murky, obscure.3. Somewhat black:blackish, dusky.4. Of a complexion tending toward brown or black:bistered, black-a-vised, brunet, dusky, swarthy.5. Dark and depressing:black, bleak, blue, cheerless, desolate, dismal, dreary, gloomy, glum, joyless, somber, tenebrific.6. Characterized by or expressive of a foreboding somberness:lowery, sullen.7. Marked by little hopefulness:dismal, gloomy, pessimistic.nounAbsence or deficiency of light:darkness, dimness, duskiness, murkiness, obscureness, obscurity.Translationsdark (daːk) adjective1. without light. a dark room; It's getting dark; the dark (= not cheerful) side. 黑暗的 黑暗的2. blackish or closer to black than white. a dark red colour; a dark (= not very white or fair) complexion; Her hair is dark. 黑色的,深色的 黑色的,深色的 3. evil and usually secret. dark deeds; a dark secret. 隱秘的 隐秘的 noun absence of light. in the dark; afraid of the dark; He never goes out after dark; We are in the dark (= we have no knowledge) about what is happening. 黑暗 黑暗ˈdarken verb to make or become dark or darker. 使變暗 使变暗ˈdarkness noun the state of being dark. 黑暗 黑暗keep it dark to keep something a secret. They're engaged to be married but they want to keep it dark. 保守秘密 保守秘密dark → 深的zhCN, 黑暗zhCN, 黑暗的zhCNdark See:- a dark horse
- a leap in the dark
- a shot in the dark
- a shot/stab in the dark
- a stab in the dark
- all cats are gray after dark/at night
- all cats are gray in the dark
- all cats are grey in the dark
- be in the dark
- be kept in the dark (about something)
- be left in the dark (about something)
- be whistling in the dark
- dark cloud on the horizon
- dark days
- dark horse
- dark horse, a
- dark side of
- darkest hour is just before the dawn
- deep, dark secret
- every dark cloud has a silver lining
- grasp in the dark
- grope in the dark
- in the dark
- in the dark about (something)
- in the dark, to be/keep someone
- it's always darkest just before the dawn
- keep (someone) in the dark (about something)
- keep (something) dark
- keep in the dark
- keep it/something dark
- keep someone in the dark
- keep something dark
- leap in the dark
- leave (someone) in the dark (about something)
- oh dark hundred
- oh dark thirty
- pitch dark
- shot in the dark
- shot in the dark, a
- stay in the dark
- stay in the dark about (something)
- take a shot in the dark
- take a stab in the dark
- tall, dark, and handsome
- the dark side of (someone or something)
- the darkest hour is just before the dawn
- whistle in the dark
- whistle in the dark, to
dark(1) Not used. See dark fiber.
(2) Not running. Taken offline.
(3) Not lit. See darkened datacenter.DARK
Acronym | Definition |
DARK➣Distributed Ada Real-time Kernel | DARK➣Digital Artists of the Rare Kind | DARK➣Damaged Aircraft Recovery Kit | DARK➣Discrimination Analysis Technique Adapted & Refined At Kwajalein |
dark Related to dark: dark horse, dark matterSynonyms for darkadj having little or no lightSynonymsadj deficient in brightnessSynonyms- caliginous
- dim
- dusky
- murky
- obscure
adj somewhat blackSynonymsadj of a complexion tending toward brown or blackSynonyms- bistered
- black-a-vised
- brunet
- dusky
- swarthy
adj dark and depressingSynonyms- black
- bleak
- blue
- cheerless
- desolate
- dismal
- dreary
- gloomy
- glum
- joyless
- somber
- tenebrific
adj characterized by or expressive of a foreboding sombernessSynonymsadj marked by little hopefulnessSynonymsnoun absence or deficiency of lightSynonyms- darkness
- dimness
- duskiness
- murkiness
- obscureness
- obscurity
Synonyms for darknoun absence of light or illuminationSynonymsRelated Words- illumination
- night
- lightlessness
- pitch blackness
- total darkness
- black
- blackness
- brownout
- dimout
- blackout
- semidarkness
Antonymsnoun absence of moral or spiritual valuesSynonyms- iniquity
- wickedness
- darkness
Related Wordsnoun an unilluminated areaSynonymsRelated Wordsnoun the time after sunset and before sunrise while it is dark outsideSynonymsRelated Words- period
- period of time
- time period
- 24-hour interval
- day
- mean solar day
- solar day
- twenty-four hour period
- twenty-four hours
- weeknight
- evening
- late-night hour
- midnight
- small hours
- lights-out
- wedding night
noun an unenlightened stateSynonymsRelated Wordsadj devoid of or deficient in light or brightnessAntonymsadj (used of color) having a dark hueRelated WordsAntonymsadj brunet (used of hair or skin or eyes)Related Wordsadj stemming from evil characteristics or forcesSynonymsRelated Wordsadj secretRelated Wordsadj showing a brooding ill humorSynonyms- moody
- morose
- glowering
- sullen
- glum
- saturnine
- dour
- sour
Related Wordsadj lacking enlightenment or knowledge or cultureSynonymsRelated Wordsadj marked by difficulty of style or expressionSynonymsRelated Words- uncomprehensible
- incomprehensible
adj causing dejectionSynonyms- dismal
- drear
- dreary
- disconsolate
- gloomy
- dingy
- drab
- sorry
- grim
- blue
Related Words- cheerless
- depressing
- uncheerful
adj having skin rich in melanin pigmentsSynonyms- dark-skinned
- non-white
- colored
- coloured
Related Wordsadj not giving performancesRelated Words |