expect (something) from (someone or something)

expect (something) from (someone or something)

1. To anticipate or expect receiving something from someone or a group. I'm not sure what John's doing yet, but I expect a response from him soon. I expect attentiveness from my students—is that too much to ask?2. To demand or request something from someone or a group. You're my senior advisor, Tom—I expect better judgment from you.See also: expect

expect something from someone or something

 1. . to anticipate receiving something from someone or a group. I expect a letter from you at least once a week while you are gone. We expect at least a postcard out of you. 2. and expect something (out) of someone or something to demand something from someone or something. I expect more effort from you. Get to work. 3. and expect something (out) of someone or something to anticipate a certain kind of behavior from someone or something. We expected better from you. I'm very disappointed in your behavior. We really expected better behavior of you.See also: expect