

单词 destruction



D0167000 (dĭ-strŭk′shən)n.1. a. The act or process of destroying: The destruction of the house was completed in two days.b. The condition of having been destroyed: Destruction from the tornado was extensive.2. The cause or means of destroying: weapons that could prove to be the destruction of humankind.
[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin dēstrūctiō, dēstrūctiōn-, from dēstrūctus, past participle of dēstruere, to destroy; see destroy.]


(dɪˈstrʌkʃən) n1. the act of destroying or state of being destroyed; demolition2. a cause of ruin or means of destroying[C14: from Latin dēstructiō a pulling down; see destroy]


(dɪˈstrʌk ʃən)

n. 1. the act of destroying. 2. the condition of being destroyed. 3. a cause or means of destroying. [1275–1325; < Latin dēstructiō, derivative (with -tiō -tion) of dēstruere to destroy]


A type of adjustment for destroying a given target.


 of wildcats: a group of wildcats. See also dout.




  1. As killing as the canker to the rose —John Milton
  2. (Bones) breaking like hearts —Bin Ramke
  3. Break [a person’s spirit] like a biscuit —Beaumont and Fletcher
  4. Break like a bursting heart —Percy Bysshe Shelley
  5. Break like dead leaves —Richard Howard
  6. Cracked like parchment —Sin Ai
  7. Cracked like the ice in a frozen daiquiri —Anon
  8. (Her projects of happiness … ) crackled in the wind like dead boughs —Gustave Flaubert
  9. Crack like walnuts —Rita Mae Brown
  10. Crack like wishbones —Diane Ackerman
  11. Cracks … like a glass in which the contents turned to ice, and shiver it —Herman Melville
  12. [Fender and hood of a car] crumpled like tinfoil —T. Coraghessan Boyle
  13. Crushed like an empty beer can —Anon
  14. Crushed … like rats in a slate fall —Davis Grubb

    In Grubb’s novel, The Barefoot Man, the simile refers to miners who lost their lives.

  15. Crushed like rotten apples —William Shakespeare
  16. Crushed me like a grape —Carla Lane, British television sitcom, “Solo,” broadcast, May 19, 1987
  17. (And I’ll be) cut up like a pie —Irish ballad
  18. Destructive as moths in a woolens closet —Anon
  19. [Time’s malevolent effect on body] dragging him down like a bursting sack —Gerald Kersh
  20. (The Communists are) eating us away like an old fruit —Janet Flanner
  21. (Men) fade like leaves —Aristophanes
  22. Flattened her pitiful attempt like a locomotive running on a single track full steam ahead —Cornell Woolrich
  23. (Creditors ready to) gnaw him to bits … like maggots at work on a carcass —George Garrett
  24. The grass (at Shea Stadium) looked as if it had been attacked by animals that had not grazed for ages —Alex Yannis, New York Times, September 18, 1986

    Yannis, in reporting on the Mets’ winning the National League Eastern Division title, used the simile to describe the fans’ destruction of the playing field.

  25. If I do [give up] … I’ll be like a bullfighter gone horn-shy —Loren D. Estleman
  26. Like a divorce … goes ripping through our lives —Book jacket copy describing effect of Sharon Sheehe Stark’s novel, A Wrestling Season.
  27. Marked for annihilation like an orange scored for peeling —Yehuda Amichai
  28. My heroes [Chicago Cubs] had wilted like slugs —George F. Will
  29. Pollutes … like ratbite —William Alfred
  30. Self-destructing like a third-rate situation comedy —Warren T. Brookes, on Republican party, Wall Street Journal, July 15, 1986
  31. Shattered like a walnut shell —Charles Dickens

    In Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities, the comparison refers to a broken wine cask.

  32. Shatter them like so much glass —Robert Louis Stevenson
  33. Shrivel up like some old straw broom —Joyce Carol Oates
  34. Snap like dry chicken bones —David Michael
  35. [Taut nerves] snap like guy wires in a tornado —Nardi Reeder Campion, New York Times r/raes/Op-Ed, January, 5, 1987
  36. (Then the illusion) snapped like a nest of threads —F. Scott Fitzgerald
  37. Snapped off [due to frailness] like celery —Lawrence Durrell
  38. (Who can accept that spirit can be) snuffed as finally as a flame —Barbara Lazear Ascher, New York Times 77mes/Hers, October 30, 1986
  39. They [free-spending wife and daughter] ate holes in me like Swiss cheese —Clifford Odets
  40. Wear out their lives, like old clothes —John Cheever
  41. Your destruction comes as a whirlwind —The Holy Bible /Proverbs
Noun1.destruction - the termination of something by causing so much damage to it that it cannot be repaired or no longer existsdestruction - the termination of something by causing so much damage to it that it cannot be repaired or no longer existsdevastationending, termination, conclusion - the act of ending something; "the termination of the agreement"disaster - an act that has disastrous consequenceskill - the destruction of an enemy plane or ship or tank or missile; "the pilot reported two kills during the mission"laying waste, ruining, wrecking, ruination, ruin - destruction achieved by causing something to be wrecked or ruineddemolishing, tearing down, leveling, razing - complete destruction of a buildingannihilation, obliteration - destruction by annihilating somethingdecimation - destroying or killing a large part of the population (literally every tenth person as chosen by lot)self-destruction - the act of destroying yourself; "his insistence was pure self-destruction"neutralisation, neutralization - (euphemism) the removal of a threat by killing or destroying it (especially in a covert operation or military operation)sabotage - a deliberate act of destruction or disruption in which equipment is damagedextermination, liquidation - the act of exterminatingholocaust - an act of mass destruction and loss of life (especially in war or by fire); "a nuclear holocaust"demolition - the act of demolishingspoliation - (law) the intentional destruction of a document or an alteration of it that destroys its value as evidencehooliganism, malicious mischief, vandalism - willful wanton and malicious destruction of the property of others
2.destruction - an event (or the result of an event) that completely destroys somethingdestruction - an event (or the result of an event) that completely destroys somethingdemolition, wipeoutconclusion, ending, finish - event whose occurrence ends something; "his death marked the ending of an era"; "when these final episodes are broadcast it will be the finish of the show"annihilation, disintegration - total destruction; "bomb tests resulted in the annihilation of the atoll"eradication, obliteration - the complete destruction of every trace of somethingravage, depredation - (usually plural) a destructive action; "the ravages of time"; "the depredations of age and disease"razing, wrecking - the event of a structure being completely demolished and leveledruination, ruin - an event that results in destructionwrack, rack - the destruction or collapse of something; "wrack and ruin"
3.destruction - a final state; "he came to a bad end"; "the so-called glorious experiment came to an inglorious end"end, deathstate - the way something is with respect to its main attributes; "the current state of knowledge"; "his state of health"; "in a weak financial state"


noun1. ruin, havoc, wreckage, crushing, wrecking, shattering, undoing, demolition, devastation, annihilation, ruination the extensive destruction caused by the rioters2. massacre, overwhelming, slaughter, overthrow, extinction, end, downfall, liquidation, obliteration, extermination, annihilation, eradication Our objective was the destruction of the enemy forces.3. slaughter, slaughtering, putting down, termination, extermination, putting to sleep the destruction of animals infected with foot-and-mouth disease


noun1. The act of destroying or state of being destroyed:bane, devastation, havoc, ruin, ruination, undoing, wrack, wreck, wreckage.2. An act, instance, or consequence of breaking:breakage, damage, impairment, wreckage.3. Something that causes total loss or severe impairment, as of one's health, fortune, honor, or hopes:bane, destroyer, downfall, ruin, ruination, undoing, wrecker.


(diˈstrakʃən) noun1. the act or process of destroying or being destroyed. the destruction of the city. 毀滅 毁灭2. the state of being destroyed; ruin. a scene of destruction. 毀壞 毁坏desˈtructive (-tiv) adjective1. causing or able to cause destruction. Small children can be very destructive. 破壞性的 破坏性的2. (of criticism etc) pointing out faults etc without suggesting improvements. 破壞的 破坏的deˈstructively adverb 破壞性地 破坏性地deˈstructiveness noun 破壞性 破坏性




mass destruction

Widespread death and devastation. If they launch a nuclear attack against us, it will cause mass destruction.See also: destruction, mass

weapons of mass destruction

Also, WMD. Weapons that can greatly harm or kill large numbers of people and/or severely damage man-made structures or the biosphere. The term was first used by the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1937 with reference to the aerial bombardment of Guernica, Spain. Less than a decade later, the term was applied to nonconventional weapons, specifically nuclear weapons. During the Cuban missile crisis of 1962, the term was used by President John F. Kennedy, referring to nuclear missiles. Fearing Iraq’s use of nuclear weapons, the alleged existence of such weapons became the main justification for the 2003 invasion of that country. By then, the term was so well known and so often abbreviated that it was on its way to clichédom.See also: destruction, mass, of, weapon



The partial or complete loss of a structure, generally connoting a sudden or unplanned occurrence such as a fire, earthquake, or accident, as opposed to overt demolition.


Abaddonangel of the abyss; king of locusts. [N.T.: Revelation 9:11]abomination of desolationepithet for the destructive or hateful. [Western Folklore: Benét, 3]atomic bomb(A-bomb) fission device of enormous destructive power. [Am. Sci.: EB, I: 628]Armageddonfinal battle between forces of good and evil. [N.T.: Revelation 16:16]Bikini and EniwetokPacific atolls, sites of H-bomb testing. [Am. Hist.: Flexner, 12]Doomsday devicesuperpower nuclear capability to destroy the world if attacked. [Brit. Cinema: Dr. StrangeloveDresden, bombing ofallied incendiary bombs reduced city to inferno (February 13, 1945). [Ger. Hist.: Hitler, 1165; Am. Lit.: Slaughterhouse-Five]Enlilstorm god responsible for deluge. [Babyl. Myth.: Parrinder, 91]Enola GayB-52 that dropped the Hiroshima A-bomb. [U.S. Hist.: WB, W:405]firebranded foxesSamson unlooses them to scorch cornfields. [O.T.: Judges 15:3–6]Four Horsemen of the Apocalypseallegorical figures representing pestilence, war, famine, death. [N.T.: Revelation 6:1–8]Götterdämmerunggreat final battle between Teutonic pantheon and forces of evil. [Ger. Myth.: Leach, 461]HiroshimaJapanese city destroyed by A-bomb (1945). [Am. Hist.: Fuller, IIIHormahJudah and his men level this Canaanite city. [O.T.: Judges 1:17]Hundred Years Warreduced much of France to wasteland (1337–1453). [Eur. Hist.: Bishop, 382–395]hydrogen bomb(H-bomb) thermonuclear device more destructive than A-bomb. [Am. Sci.: EB, IX: 949]Jericho, Walls ofrazed on the seventh blowing of trumpets. [O.T.: Joshua 6]Jerusalemdestroyed in 586 B.C. by Nebuchadnezzar, and in A.D. 70 by Titus. [Jew. Hist.: Collier’s, XI, 16, 17]Juggernaut(Jagannath) huge idol of Krishna drawn through streets annually, occasionally rolling over devotees. [Hindu Rel.: EB, V: 499]Krakatoavolcano in southwest Pacific which violently exploded in 1883, destroying the island. [Asian Hist.: NCE, 1500]Kristallnacht Nazirampage against property of German Jews (November 9–10, 1938). [Ger. Hist.: Hitler, 689–694]LidiceCzech town obliterated by Nazis (June 10, 1942). [Eur. Hist.: Van Doren, 489]Mt. St. Helensvolcanic eruption that devastated huge area in 1980. [U. S. Hist.: WB, M:735]NagasakiJapanese city destroyed by A-bomb (1945). [Am. Hist.: Fuller, III: 626]neutron bombcauses limited havoc: kills people, preserves property. [World Hist.: Facts (1978), 103]On the Beachdescribes search for survivors after entire population on North America has been wiped out by nuclear war. [Br. Lit.: Weiss, 332]Ragnarokdestruction of gods and all things in final battle with evil. [Norse Myth.: NCE, 1762]Rome, Sack ofdestroyed by the German-Spanish army under Charles V (1527). [Ital. Hist.: Plumb, 43, 406–407]Sherman’s “March to the Sea”Confederate heartland ravaged by marauding Union army (1864). [Am. Hist.: Jameson, 307]Sodom and GomorrahBiblical cities destroyed by fire for wicked ways. [O.T.: Genesis 10:19; 13; 14; 18; 19]Thirty Years Warworld war prototype reduced Germany to wasteland (1618–1648). [Eur. Hist.: EB, 18: 333–344]Vesuviusvolcano in Italy which erupted in A.D. 79, burying Pompeii and Herculaneum. [Rom. Hist.: NCE, 2187]Vials of Wrathseven plagues precipitating end of world. [N.T.: Revelation 16:1–17]Vulcangod of destruction, placated by gifts of captured weapons. [Rom. Myth.: Howe, 294]


  • noun

Synonyms for destruction

noun ruin


  • ruin
  • havoc
  • wreckage
  • crushing
  • wrecking
  • shattering
  • undoing
  • demolition
  • devastation
  • annihilation
  • ruination

noun massacre


  • massacre
  • overwhelming
  • slaughter
  • overthrow
  • extinction
  • end
  • downfall
  • liquidation
  • obliteration
  • extermination
  • annihilation
  • eradication

noun slaughter


  • slaughter
  • slaughtering
  • putting down
  • termination
  • extermination
  • putting to sleep

Synonyms for destruction

noun the act of destroying or state of being destroyed


  • bane
  • devastation
  • havoc
  • ruin
  • ruination
  • undoing
  • wrack
  • wreck
  • wreckage

noun an act, instance, or consequence of breaking


  • breakage
  • damage
  • impairment
  • wreckage

noun something that causes total loss or severe impairment, as of one's health, fortune, honor, or hopes


  • bane
  • destroyer
  • downfall
  • ruin
  • ruination
  • undoing
  • wrecker

Synonyms for destruction

noun the termination of something by causing so much damage to it that it cannot be repaired or no longer exists


  • devastation

Related Words

  • ending
  • termination
  • conclusion
  • disaster
  • kill
  • laying waste
  • ruining
  • wrecking
  • ruination
  • ruin
  • demolishing
  • tearing down
  • leveling
  • razing
  • annihilation
  • obliteration
  • decimation
  • self-destruction
  • neutralisation
  • neutralization
  • sabotage
  • extermination
  • liquidation
  • holocaust
  • demolition
  • spoliation
  • hooliganism
  • malicious mischief
  • vandalism

noun an event (or the result of an event) that completely destroys something


  • demolition
  • wipeout

Related Words

  • conclusion
  • ending
  • finish
  • annihilation
  • disintegration
  • eradication
  • obliteration
  • ravage
  • depredation
  • razing
  • wrecking
  • ruination
  • ruin
  • wrack
  • rack

noun a final state


  • end
  • death

Related Words

  • state




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