Cardiobacterium hominis

Car·di·o·bac·te·ri·um hom·i·nis

a bacterial species that causes endocarditis in humans. The type species of Cardiobacterium. See: HACEK group.

Car·di·o·bac·te·ri·um hom·i·nis

(kahr'dē-ō-bak-tē'rē-ŭm hom'i-nis) A species found as normal flora of the human upper respiratory tract that causes endocarditis. The type species of Cardiobacterium.
See: HACEK group

Cardiobacterium hominis

(kăr″dē-ō-băk-tēr′ĭ-ŭm hŏm′ĭ-nĭs) [NL ] A gram-negative, rod-shaped bacterium. It is a member of the HACEK group of bacteria and is part of the normal flora of the oral cavity and upper airway. It is an occasional cause of culture-negative endocarditis.