Cardiology, Institute of
Cardiology, Institute of
(full name, A. L. Miasnikov Institute of Cardiology of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR), a scientific organization that engages in research on the origin, development, treatment, and prevention of diseases of the human cardiovascular system.
The Institute of Cardiology was founded in 1945 in Moscow as the Institute of Internal Medicine; in 1948 it was incorporated into the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR. In 1967 it was reorganized as the A. L. Miasnikov Institute of Cardiology, named in honor of the Soviet internist A. L. Miasnikov, who was its founder and the director of the institute between 1948 and 1967. In 1972 the institute consisted of eight clinical departments (including heart surgery), a department of functional examination methods, an X-ray and radiology department, a scientific and medical information section, and laboratories—clinical and biochemical, X-ray-phonodiagnostic, pathophysiological (two), pathologicoanatomic, and cardiovascular epidemiological. The Institute of Cardiology is the leading research organization in the USSR concerned with arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary disease, heart failure, and circulatory insufficiency.
The Institute of Cardiology has residents in clinical medicine and graduate research students in full-time and correspondence programs. The institute has the right to hear defenses of dissertations for the candidate degree. It periodically publishes the results of scientific meetings and conferences, as well as monographs and collections of articles.