释义 |
cardiomalaciaMedicine. a disease causing a softening of the muscle of the heart.See also: Heartcardiomalacia
cardiomalacia [kahr″de-o-mah-la´shah] morbid softening of the muscular substance of the heart.car·di·o·ma·la·ci·a (kar'dē-ō-mă-lā'shē-ă), Softening of the walls of the heart. [cardio- + G. malakia, softness] cardiomalacia A term of waning use for the pathological softening of cardiac muscle; while correct, because the softening is due to fatty change or necrosis, the more specific terms fatty infiltration of the heart or cardiac necrosis are preferable.car·di·o·ma·la·ci·a (kahr'dē-ō-mă-lā'shē-ă) Softening of the walls of the heart. [cardio- + G. malakia, softness] |