
car·di·ac neu·ro·sis

anxiety concerning the state of the heart, as a result of palpitation, chest pain, or other symptoms not due to heart disease; a form of hypochondriasis. Synonym(s): cardioneurosis

car·di·ac neu·ro·sis

(kahr'dē-ak nūr-ō'sis) Anxiety concerning the state of the heart, as a result of palpitation, chest pain, or other symptoms not due to heart disease; a form of hypochondriasis.
Synonym(s): cardioneurosis.


(kăr″dē-ō-nū-rō′sĭs) [″ + ″ + osis, condition] Functional neurosis with cardiac symptoms.


An unreasonable and irrational conviction that one is suffering from heart disease, sustained in spite of clear evidence to the contrary. See also DA COSTA'S SYNDROME.