

单词 cover-up



or cov·er·up (kŭv′ər-ŭp′)n.1. An effort or strategy of concealment, especially a planned effort to prevent something potentially scandalous from becoming public.2. A loose garment for wear over other clothing, such as a swimsuit or an evening dress.


n concealment or attempted concealment of a mistake, crime, etc vb (adverb) 1. (tr) to cover completely2. (when: intr, often foll by for) to attempt to conceal (a mistake or crime): she tried to cover up for her friend. 3. (Boxing) (intr) boxing to defend the body and head with the arms


n. 1. any action, stratagem, or other means of concealing or preventing investigation or exposure. 2. any of various women's outer garments, as a loose blouse or caftan. [1925–30]
Noun1.cover-up - concealment that attempts to prevent something scandalous from becoming publiccover-up - concealment that attempts to prevent something scandalous from becoming publicconcealing, hiding, concealment - the activity of keeping something secretblue wall, blue wall of silence, wall of silence - the secrecy of police officers who lie or look the other way to protect other police officers; "the blue wall cracked when some officers refused to take part in the cover-up"


noun concealment, conspiracy, whitewash (informal), complicity, front, smoke screen, smoke and mirrors He denied there'd been any cover-up of the fraud.


(ˈkavə) verb1. to put or spread something on, over or in front of. They covered (up) the body with a sheet; My shoes are covered in paint. 遮蓋 遮盖2. to be enough to pay for. Will 10 dollars cover your expenses? 足以支付 足以支付3. to travel. We covered forty miles in one day. 走完 走完(一段路程) 4. to stretch over a length of time etc. His diary covered three years. 涵蓋一段時間 包含(时间) 5. to protect. Are we covered by your car insurance? 保障 给…保险6. to report on. I'm covering the race for the local newspaper. 報導 报道7. to point a gun at. I had him covered. 拿槍對準 对准 noun1. something which covers, especially a cloth over a table, bed etc. a table-cover; a bed-cover; They replaced the cover on the manhole. 覆蓋物,如桌罩、床罩等 罩子2. something that gives protection or shelter. The soldiers took cover from the enemy gunfire; insurance cover. 掩蔽物 掩蔽物3. something that hides. He escaped under cover of darkness. 掩護 掩护ˈcoverage (-ridʒ) noun1. the amount of protection given by insurance. insurance coverage. 保險金額 保险额2. the extent of the inclusion of items in a news report etc. The TV coverage of the Olympic Games was extensive. 報導範圍 新闻报道范围ˈcovering nounMy car has a covering of dirt. 覆蓋物 覆盖物ˈcover-girl noun a girl pictured on a magazine cover. 封面女郎(指其照片被刊在雜志封面上的女子) 封面女郎(指其照片被刊在杂志封面上的女子) ˈcover story noun the main story in a magazine that goes with a picture on the front cover. 封面故事 封面故事ˈcover-up noun an attempt to hide or conceal (something illegal or dishonest). 企圖隱瞞或掩飾(非法或欺騙的事) 掩盖手法


cover up

1. verb To place a covering on someone or something, as for protection. A noun or pronoun can be used between "cover" and "up." Let me just cover up these leftovers so you can take them with you. I'm so fair-skinned that I have to cover myself up before spending time in the sun.2. To clothe oneself. I'll answer the door in a moment, I just need to cover up first.3. verb To conceal the evidence of one's (usually nefarious) actions. A noun or pronoun can be used between "cover" and "up." I just know that the CEO is covering something up—why else would those documents suddenly go missing? The administration is clearly trying to cover up the scandal.4. noun The act of concealing the evidence of nefarious actions. When used as a noun, the phrase is typically hyphenated or written as one word. Their cover-up unraveled when the CEO's secretary confessed to his wrongdoing. The administration is clearly engaging in a coverup to hide the scandal.5. noun An article of clothing worn over other clothing, such as a bathing suit. When used as a noun, the phrase is typically hyphenated. Once it got breezy on the beach, I put my cover-up back on.See also: cover, up


n. an act of concealing something. The candidate accused her opponent of a cover-up.


  • noun

Synonyms for cover-up

noun concealment


  • concealment
  • conspiracy
  • whitewash
  • complicity
  • front
  • smoke screen
  • smoke and mirrors

Words related to cover-up

noun concealment that attempts to prevent something scandalous from becoming public

Related Words

  • concealing
  • hiding
  • concealment
  • blue wall
  • blue wall of silence
  • wall of silence




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