Daroga State Park

Daroga State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Washington
Location:18 miles north of Wenatchee on the east side of the Columbia River.
Facilities:28 utility campsites, 17 primitive campsites, 2 group camps, 12 showers (6 @di), kitchen shelter (with water and electric), picnic areas, swimming area, boat launch, docks, playfields.
Activities:Camping, boating, fishing, swimming, water-skiing, golf, wildlife observation.
Special Features:Park is located along 1.5 miles of Columbia River shoreline on the elevated edge of the desert "scablands." Nationally recognized Desert Canyon Golf Course is just two miles away.
Address:1 S Daroga Park Rd
Orondo, WA 98843

Web: www.parks.wa.gov/parkpage.asp?selectedpark=Daroga
Size: 90 acres.

See other parks in Washington.