

 [e-lek″tro-noo͡-rog´rah-fe] the measurement of the conduction velocity and latency of peripheral nerves.


(ē-lek'trō-dī'ag-nō'sis), 1. The use of electronic devices for diagnostic purposes. 2. By convention, the studies performed in the EMG laboratory, that is, nerve conduction studies and needle electrode examination (EMG proper). Synonym(s): electroneurography


(ĕ-lek'trō-dī-ăg-nō'sis) 1. The use of electronic devices for diagnostic purposes. 2. By convention, the studies performed in the electromyographic laboratory, i.e., nerve conduction studies and needle electrode examination (electromyography proper).
Synonym(s): electroneurography.
3. Determination of the nature of a disease through observation of changes in electrical activity.
Synonym(s): evoked electromyography.