Border Agreements

Border Agreements


international agreements concluded by contiguous states that regulate relations between these states with respect to boundaries. The principal types of border agreements are agreements on demarcation and delimitation of boundaries and supplementary protocols, agreements on regulations for the regime of borders, and agreements on procedures for settling border conflicts and incidents. For contiguous states, border agreements regulate a broad range of issues of peaceful cooperation in the administration of mutual borders. These issues include rules for border crossings by citizens and automotive and rail transport, rules for management of water systems located in border areas, and rules for building dams, bridges, and other structures on border rivers. Border agreements are also concluded to combat the spread of various diseases, epidemics, forest fires, and the like. The border regime of the USSR is regulated by agreements on the administration of mutual state borders and on cooperation and mutual assistance with respect to border issues. These agreements have been concluded between the government of the USSR and the governments of other socialist countries, for example, with Poland in 1961 and Hungary in 1962. Soviet border relations are also regulated by agreements on the administration of mutual borders and on procedures for settling border conflicts and incidents. Such agreements were concluded, for example, with Norway on Dec. 29, 1949, and with Iran on May 14, 1957.