Fish Nursery

Fish Nursery


an incomplete-system pond farm where young fish are raised for subsequent transfer to fish farms, where market weight is attained. The USSR has fish nurseries for raising such commercially valuable fish as carp, crucian carp, and tench. Most fish nurseries for the raising of carp form part of complete-system pond farms, where the aggregate of specialized ponds is considered the nursery section of the farm. A fish nursery includes spawning, rearing, wintering, brood-stock, quarantine, and isolation ponds. Carp farms in a number of countries, including the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic, also have fry ponds. The annual productivity of a fish nursery in the USSR reaches 5 million or more one-year-old carp. Functions similar to those of a fish nursery are performed by the fish hatcheries. A number of carp nurseries are converting to the integrated use of the pond and hatchery methods of raising young fish.