community health staff
community health staff
An NHS term for health professionals who provide community health services.Community health staff
(1) Nursing and medical/dental staff whose primary role is to provide community health service:
• Community consultant specialists
• Clinical medical and dental officers
• Dental support staff (dental surgery assistants and dental hygienists)
• Community nurses (health visitors, district nurses, community midwives, community psychiatric nurses, community mental handicap nurses, school nurses and family planning nurses).
(2) Other medical or nursing staff whose contracts specify a volume of community health service workload either on a constant or rotational basis.
(3) Professions allied to medicine (PAMs) whose contracts specify either full-time community health service or a mix of hospital or community service: podiatrists, clinical psychologists, dietitians, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, radiographers and speech therapists.
(4) Any other health professional not employed by an NHS Board who is contracted to provide the community health service.