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chro·mi·nance C0338250 (krō′mə-nəns)n. The difference between one color and a reference color of the same brightness and chromaticity. [Blend of chromo- and luminance.]chrominance (ˈkrəʊmɪnəns) n1. (General Physics) the quality of light that causes the sensation of colour. It is determined by comparison with a reference source of the same brightness and of known chromaticity2. (Broadcasting) the information that defines the colour (hue and saturation) of a television image, but not the brightness[C20: from chromo- + luminance]chro•mi•nance (ˈkroʊ mə nəns) n. the difference in color quality between a color and a reference color that has an equal brightness and a specified chromaticity. [1950–55; chrom (atic) + (lum) inance] chrominance
chrominance[′krō·mə·nəns] (optics) The difference between any color and a specified reference color of equal brightness; in color television, this reference color is white having coordinates x = 0.310 and y = 0.316 on the chromaticity diagram. MedicalSeechroma |