Faddei Bulgarin
Bulgarin, Faddei Venediktovich
Born June 24 (July 5), 1789, in Minsk Province; died Sept. 1 (13), 1859, near Derpt, now Tartu. Russian journalist and writer. Born into the family of a Polish nobleman.
In 1825-59, Bulgarin published the reactionary newspaper Severnaia pchela (from 1831, jointly with N. I. Grech); in 1822-28, the journal Severnyi arkhiv (from 1825, jointly with Grech); and in 1825-39, Syn otechestva (jointly with Grech). He is the author of the novels of manners Ivan Vyzhigin (1829) and Petr Ivanovich Vyzhigin (1831). As a literary critic Bulgarin attacked from a reactionary point of view A. S. Pushkin, N. V. Gogol, V. G. Belinskii, and the realist trend, which he called the naturalist school in one of his polemical articles. He wrote denunciations of writers for the Third Section.
Poln. sobr. soch., vols. 1-7. St. Petersburg, 1839-44.REFERENCES
Belinskii, V. G. “Vospominaniia Faddeia Bulgarina.” Poln. sobr. soch., vol. 9. Moscow, 1955.Lemke, M. K. “Faddei Bulgarin.” In Ocherki po istorii russkoi tsenzury i zhurnalistiki XIX stoletiia. St. Petersburg, 1904.
Ocherki po istorii russkoi zhurnalistiki i kritiki, vol. 1. Leningrad, 1950.