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cowperitis EncyclopediaSeeWilliam Cowpercowperitis
cowperitis [kow″per-i´tis] inflammation of the bulbourethral (Cowper's) glands, located in the urethral sphincter.cow·per·i·tis (kow'pĕr-ī'tis) Inflammation of a bulbourethral or Cowper gland. Cowper, William, English anatomist, 1666-1709. Cowper cyst - a retention cyst of a bulbourethral gland.Cowper gland - Synonym(s): bulbourethral glandcowperitis - inflammation of Cowper gland.Cowper ligament - the part of the fascia lata which is anterior to and provides origin for fibers of the pectineus muscle. |