Boris Aleksandrovich Griftsov
Griftsov, Boris Aleksandrovich
Born May 12 (24), 1885, in Moscow; died there Dec. 21, 1950. Soviet literary theorist, art critic, and translator. Graduated from the department of history and philology of Moscow University.
Griftsov published his first work in 1906. The Art of Greece came out in 1923 and The Theory of the Novel in 1927. His main works are devoted to H. de Balzac. He provided historical and literary commentary for more than half of Balzac’s 20-volume Collected Works (1933—47). He translated G. Va-sari. Balzac, G. Flaubert. R. Rolland, and M. Proust. He was one of the compilers of the Russian-Italian Dictionary (1934).
Rim, 2nd ed. [Moscow, 1916.]“Zametki po tekhnike perevoda.” Voprosy iazykoznaniia, 1952, no. 5.