Boris Aleksandrovich Serebrennikov
Serebrennikov, Boris Aleksandrovich
Born Feb. 21 (Mar. 6), 1915, in Kholmogory, in what is now Arkhangelsk Oblast. Soviet linguist. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1953). Member of the CPSU since 1950. Serebrennikov graduated from the Institute of Philosophy, Literature, and History in 1940. He became a professor in 1969. He served as deputy director of the Institute of Linguistics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR from 1950 to 1955 and as director from 1960 to 1964; he became head of the General Linguistics section of the Institute in 1964. Serebrennikov specializes in general and comparative historical linguistics and the Uralic. Altaic, and Indo-European European languages. His work is devoted in part to general problems of the forms and functions of language and historical regularities in the development of language. He has also studied the functioning of linguistic categories in individual languages and language families on diachronic and synchronic-typological planes.
Serebrennikov has been awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Laborand various medals.
Kategorii vremeni i vida v finno-ugorskikh iazykakh permskoi i volzhskoi grupp. Moscow, 1960.Istoricheskaia morfologiia permskikh iazykov. Moscow. 1963.
Istoricheskaia morfologiia mordovskikh iazykov. Moscow, 1967.
Obshchee iazykoznanie [books 1–2]. Moscow, 1970–73. (Executive editor.)
Veroiatnostnye obosnovaniia v komparativistike. Moscow, 1974.
Feoktistov, A. P. “60-letie B. A. Serebrennikova.” Sovetskoe finno-ugrovedenie. 1975, no. 1M. A. ZHURINSKAIA