Boris Apollov
Apollov, Boris Aleksandrovich
Born June 12, 1889, in St. Petersburg; died Nov. 26, 1969, in Moscow. Soviet hydrologist and doctor of technical sciences (1941).
Apollov studied in Germany and Belgium and was graduated from the Polytechnical Institute in Petrograd (1920). He began teaching in higher schools in Tbilisi in 1925; in 1935 he became professor at the Moscow Hy-drometeorological Institute, and in 1944 he joined the Geography Department of Moscow University.
Apollov directed port surveys in the Transcaucasus, studied the Volga delta, and made fundamental contributions to the study of river estuaries. He explored the Caspian Sea and worked out a plan for regulating its level by creating a dam that would separate the northern part of the Caspian from its major part.
Apollov was one of the founders of scientific hydrometrical forecasting. He suggested a number of hydrometrical devices—the bladeless hydrometer, in particular.
Del’ta reki Volgi. Tiflis, 1928. (With V. V. Valedinskii.)Gidrologicheskie informatsii i prognozy. Moscow-Sverdlovsk, 1945.
“Kolebaniia urovnia Kaspiiskogo moria.” Trudy Instituía okeanologii, 1956, vol. 15. (With others.)
Gidrologicheskie prognozy. Leningrad, 1960. (With G. P. Kalinin and V. D. Komarov.)
Uchenie o rekakh. Moscow, 1963.