Acronym | Definition |
FMCP➣Fast Moving Consumer Product (logistics) |
FMCP➣Flushing Meadows Corona Park (New York City Department of Parks; New York, NY) |
FMCP➣Foundation for Managed Care Pharmacy (est. 1990; pharmaceutical research and education organization) |
FMCP➣Fragmented Medial Coronoid Process |
FMCP➣Fractured Medial Coronoid Process |
FMCP➣Fonds pour la Modernisation des Cliniques Privées (French: Modernization Fund for Private Clinics) |
FMCP➣Fellow Medical College of Physicians (Nigeria) |
FMCP➣Friends of Milton Country Park (UK) |
FMCP➣Flight Management Control Panel (aviation) |
FMCP➣Fuel Management Control Panel |