Boris Lavrentev
Lavrent’ev, Boris Innokent’evich
Born Aug. 1 (13), 1892, in Kazan; died Feb. 9, 1944, in Moscow. Soviet histologist. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1939).
Lavrent’ev graduated from the University of Kazan in 1914. He was a professor at the First Moscow Medical Institute from 1929 to 1933 and at the Second Moscow Medical Institute in 1934. In 1933 he also became a division head at the All-Union Institute of Experimental Medicine.
Lavrent’ev was a pioneer of the histophysiological and experimental approaches to neurohistology in the USSR. His main works dealt with the study of the peripheral nervous system. He developed an evolutionary-historical principle of the unity of form and function. He studied the development of neural structures (both phylogeny and ontogeny) and their functional significance in both the normal and the pathological state. He conducted a series of studies in the histophysiology of the interneuron connectors, or synapses, and in the sensory innervation of the viscera. Lavrent’ev was awarded the State Prize of the USSR in 1941.
“Gistofiziologiia innervatsionnykh mekhanizmov (sinapsov).” Fiziologicheskii zhurnal SSSR, 1936, vol. 21, nos 5–6.
Morfologiia chuvstvitel’noi innervatsii vnutrennikh organov. Moscow, 1947. (Coauthor.)