Acronym | Definition |
FMI➣Fondo Monetario Internacional (Spanish: International Monetary Fund) |
FMI➣Food Marketing Institute |
FMI➣Fonds Monétaire International |
FMI➣For More Information |
FMI➣Fundo Monetário Internacional (Portuguese: International Monetary Fund) |
FMI➣Federazione Motociclistica Italiana (Italian: Italian Motorcycle Federation) |
FMI➣Financial Management International (various locations) |
FMI➣Finnish Meteorological Institute |
FMI➣Functional Mock-Up Interface (computer simulations) |
FMI➣Fiber Optic Medium Interface |
FMI➣Friedrich Miescher Institute |
FMI➣Foursquare Missions International (various organizations) |
FMI➣Fiera Milano International (trade show; Italy) |
FMI➣Front Mount(ed) Intercooler |
FMI➣Field Manual Interim |
FMI➣Financial Management Initiative (UK) |
FMI➣Foster-Miller, Inc. |
FMI➣Fixed Mobile Integration (telecommunications) |
FMI➣Formation Micro Imager (Schlumberger Borehole Logging Tool) |
FMI➣Fullbore Formation Microimager |
FMI➣For My Information |
FMI➣File Management Interface (computing) |
FMI➣Framework for the Management of Information (Canada) |
FMI➣Fermilab Main Injector |
FMI➣Freeport McMoran Inc (Phoenix, AZ) |
FMI➣Failure Mode Identifier |
FMI➣Failure Mode Indicator |
FMI➣Field Modification Instruction |
FMI➣Farm Machinery Institute (part of Pakistan Agricultural Research Council) |
FMI➣Federal Meteorological Institute |
FMI➣Foreign Military Interaction |
FMI➣Functional Management Inspection |
FMI➣Force Module Identifier |
FMI➣Financial Market Infrastructure |
FMI➣Focus Mission Interferometer |
FMI➣Flexible Microkernel Infrastructure (operating system) |
FMI➣Daughters of Mary Immaculate, Marianist Sisters (religious order) |
FMI➣Florida Musculoskeletal Institute |
FMI➣Formex Metal Industries |